Anycast DNS Network

Anycast DNS and GeoDNS comparison

Today, we’ll look at another fascinating topic: the comparison between Anycast DNS and GeoDNS. But first, let’s look at the definition of Anycast DNS, following by an explanation of GeoDNS. Then, finally, we’ll conduct a comparison between the two of them. So, let’s get down to business.

Definition of Anycast DNS

Anycast DNS is a communication or routing technology that speeds up data transmission and reception. Using this strategy, a single IP address can be typed into several DNS servers worldwide. Any of them is capable of responding to the request. The goal is for the server with the shortest distance to the user to respond. The response time is greatly sped up due to this (DNS resolution).

GeoDNS explanation

The Geographical Domain Name System, or GeoDNS, is a fantastic and effective method of traffic allocation. It also goes by the names of solitary traffic directors and global traffic directors. However, it is unique because it fulfills requests based on its geographic location.

GeoDNS makes optimizing traffic to a domain straightforward, and it’s also a strong load balancing option. Once implemented, it addresses a lot of problems and gives the network a boost.

Using GeoDNS you can block website visitors by country. This is an efficient way to control who accesses your site. By directing traffic based on geographic location, GeoDNS allows you to selectively restrict access from specific countries, ensuring compliance with regional laws and optimizing your site’s performance for your intended audience. This targeted approach enhances website security and user experience, making it a valuable tool for site administrators.

On the other side, enormous amounts of traffic need large solutions. If you run a global business, you should absolutely investigate GeoDNS. Because all of the essential name servers are situated in several critical locations worldwide, so they will meet your requirements. It might be perfect for your target audience!

Comparison of Anycast DNS and GeoDNS

When using Anycast DNS, you’ll have multiple name servers responding with the same IP address, all of which are located at distinct Points of Presence (PoP). A DNS client’s query will travel from hop to hop before being responded to by the first authoritative name server it encounters. This allows it to respond quickly, but it is not sentient.

Anycast DNS can be thought of as a single IP address with several points of presence.

The GeoDNS will initially validate the DNS client’s IP address against its IP and region addresses database. The DNS client will then be redirected to the nearest server based on its area.

GeoDNS has a single IP address per region but numerous regions, which is the simplest way to think about it (each with its IP address).

Because of the way GeoDNS works, it can be used to deliver content based on the IP addresses of the clients. Clients in London, like Netflix subscribers, have access to local content that differs from that available to Netflix subscribers in the United States. That’s something Anycast can’t do.


Let’s review. On the one hand, GeoDNS responds to each query differently depending on the IP address of the querying client. And on the other hand, Anycast responds to incoming queries based on their location in the network. Both systems can function effectively on their own, but they require distinct upkeep. So, make your best decision. Good luck!

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