
Get familiar with DNS Point of Presence (PoP)

If you are just about to start using a Managed DNS service for your domain, you have probably seen DNS Point of Presence (PoP) on most of the DNS provider’s pages. It is a very important feature that will show you where precisely the provider has name servers that you can use.

What is DNS Point of Presence (PoP)?

DNS Point of Presence, or DNS PoP for short, is a physical presence (name server) that you can use for your domain located at a specific place. The place is usually inside a large data center with important region connections.

Internet and DNS in Asia

What is so great about the DNS PoP is that with Managed DNS service, you can use many of them, 5, 10, 20, and even more with just a few simple clicks of your mouse. You can start using these new PoP in the regions that you have chosen and copy all the DNS records that your domain has via DNS zone transfer.

You don’t need to buy or rent dedicated servers, set up the DNS servers’ software, have the hard task of checking on all of them and provide infrastructure. Usually, Managed DNS services are easy to use SaaS (software as a service) that has API or intuitive interface that you can learn to use quickly. 

Many of the DNS providers use a traffic distribution method called Anycast. It will put the same IP address on all the servers, no matter where they are located. So, a query from a DNS client will search the domain and find the closest Anycast DNS server, which will return the answer. That way, the query’s journey will be a lot shorter and a lot faster. Also, in case that the closest name server is down, the query will be answered from the next one, with no extra hustle. This will reduce downtime due to unavailable name servers. 

PoP and DNS providers, what is important? 

Pay attention to where does the DNS provider you want to use has its PoP. If your primary market is Asia, it provides you nothing of a benefit to get a service with 20 US PoP. Check if the provider has name servers where you need them. You would need name servers where your customers are. If you are an international company, you will want to cover as much as you can. Still, think about the big groups of clients and where they are located and focus on them. 

How many DNS Point of Presence (PoP) you use with the plan that you liked? 

A DNS provider often writes that they have 30 or even more PoP, but when you read well, you can use just 5 or 10 with your plan, and all of the PoP can be used only on the high-end plans. 

 Check before you buy, be sure what you are paying for. Then, get the DNS points of presence (PoP) that you need in the regions that you need. 


Now you know, a DNS Point of Presence (PoP) is simply one of the name servers’ locations that the particular DNS provider offers to its clients. Having DNS PoP closer to the origin of the queries will save time, provide better uptime, resulting in more happy clients. 

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